Summary Sunrise

Summary Sunrise.jpg

From Episode XXXV: Devarim with Rabbi Rick Jacobs:

The sun is rising on a new day and Israel is finally ready to enter into the promised land! This is a time of growth and renewal and hope for the future. But before we do, we sum up what we’ve already done. So, for Parashat D’varim, we give you, the Summary Sunrise.

Just to be clear, that’s “summary” as in “summation,” though it is the summer and this is a summery cocktail. Glad we cleared that up.

Start by filling a collins glass with ice and pour 2 oz orange juice for the fruit the spies brought back from the Promised Land. 

Next, 2 oz tequila for all the mistakes the people made in the wilderness. If you don’t understand how tequila relates to mistakes, then you’ve never had tequila.

Next up — and here’s where we deviate from the traditional Tequila Sunrise — 2 oz lemon seltzer, both to bring a little sour to the party, and for the sparkle of all those stars.

Finally, for all those bloody battles, carefully pour ½ oz grenadine either down the side of the glass or over the back of a spoon and let it settle to the bottom.

For a non-alcoholic version, swap out the tequila with 2 oz of lemonade.

For either version, drop in some pomegranate seeds for the land of Israel, and garnish with a Maraschino Cherry for Moses, who will sink to the bottom and stay behind, and an orange slice for Joshua on the rim to guide us forward.


Summary Sunrise (Boozey)

2 oz Orange Juice
2 oz Tequila
2 oz Lemon Seltzer
½ oz Grenadine
Pomegranate Seeds
Maraschino Cherry
Orange Slice

Grass is Greener Gimlet (Not Boozey)

2 oz Orange Juice
2 oz Lomnade
2 oz Lemon Seltzer
½ oz Grenadine
Pomegranate Seeds
Maraschino Cherry
Orange Slice





Grass is Greener Gimlet