G.O.A.T. (Gin of All Tonics)
From Episode XXIII: Mot-Kedoshim with Hen Mazig:
In honor of the Scape Goat and Hen’s current location in London, England, we present, The GOAT — the Gin of All Tonics.
Start with a mason jar with a cup of gin, an earl grey tea bag, and sugar to taste — I used about a tablespoon. Shake it up to get that sugar dissolved and let that steep for at least 30 minutes, no longer than a couple of hours. You can make this ahead of time; just take out the tea bag before storing in the fridge.
In a rocks glass full of ice, squeeze the juice of a lemon wedge and drop in the rind. Pour in 2 oz of your pre-made tea-infused gin and top with 4 oz of tonic water. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a mint sprig and enjoy!
For a non-alcoholic version, just use chilled earl grey tea in place of the infused gin.
We hope you enjoy the GOAT, complete with incense-like tea and a refreshing hit of citrus.
Just don’t release it into the wilderness with your sins (I’m so sorry for this joke).
G.O.A.T. (Boozey)
Earl Grey Infused Gin:
1 cup Gin
1 tea bag — Earl Grey
Sugar to taste
Lemon Wedge
2 oz Earl Grey Infused Gin (above)
4 oz Tonic Water
Lemon Slice
Mint Sprig
G.O.A.T. (Not Boozey)
Lemon Wedge
2 oz chilled Earl Grey Tea
4 oz Tonic Water
Lemon Slice
Mint Sprig