Vashti’s Hot Toddy
From Episode XVII: Tetzaveh with Rabbi Drew Kaplan:
The Purim story kicks off with Queen Vashti who is royally mistreated by her husband, King Achashverosh. After a long day, dealing with him, Vashti deserves something warm and comforting, sure to soothe her — quite frankly we could all use a little soothing ourselves. For this purpose, we present a drink that is almost as medicinal as chicken soup, Vashti’s Hot Toddy (the name works best if you say it with a Boston accent).
Start with 2 oz whiskey of your choice. I tend to be a scotch guy, but I’d stay away from anything too smokey — you’re looking for smoothness with some deep malty flavor. Monkey Shoulder works well. I happen to know that Edie is a bourbon person, and I’m sure she has some recommendations on that front. Add in 0.5 oz honey, soothing Vashti’s throat and giving a hint of a sweet uplift. Top all that up with about 4 oz of steaming but not quite boiling water. Peel off a nice strip of lemon rind, pinch it over the glass to release those oils, and drop it in. The addition of the lemon’s bright flavor is sure to brighten anyone’s day.
For a non-alcoholic version, swap out the whiskey with 2 oz of a cloudy apple cider.
This purim might not be a party, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little joy. Kick back with a drink, tune into a live-streamed Megillah reading, and enjoy.
Vashti’s Hot Toddy (Boozey)
2 oz Whiskey
½ oz Honey
4 oz Hot Water
Lemon Rind
Vashti’s Hot Toddy (Not Boozey)
2 oz Cloudy Apple Cider
½ oz Honey
4 oz Hot Water
Lemon Rind